
Can I take homeopathic medicine for cystitis, even though I'm not 100% sure I have cystitis?

by Guest61584  |  earlier

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What I'm asking is if there are any SIDE EFFECTS to homeopathic medicine.




  1. Since homeopathic potions by definition have absolutely no active ingredients they are completely harmless. ( I have actually taken massive "overdoses" of homeopathic sleeping pills when I give talks on Alternative Medicine)  Ironically though, people can actually experience side effects from placebo treatments.  The mind is a very interesting thing, isn't it?

    Why don't you find out if you actually have cystitis before trying a useless quack treatment?  Actual clinically proven treatments for cystitis are usually a lot cheaper than the expensive placebos peddled by homeopaths anyway.

  2. I would definately find out if you do in fact have cystitis before trying to treat the problem. The homeopathic medicine shouldn't harm you, but, again, I wouldn't self medicate without knowing what is truly wrong with you. Actually, you shouldn't be self medicating period. It can be dangerous, even with natural medicines. Please speak to someone with knowledge and credentials. You'll get the proper advice, get well sooner and spend less money in the process.

  3. Generally, homeopathic ingredients don't have any side effects.... however, you really shouldn't take any medicine (of any kind) if you don't need it. I would suggest getting tested first to confirm if you need it or not. Good luck!

  4. There are no effects of homeopathic ....i am cringing at calling it this..."medicine"

    A potion of homeopathy contains water... and nothing else.

    Really.. that's it

    That's all homeopathy's good for... keeping the worried well like you out of overworked doctors' offices...

  5. all of you stop bashing homeopathy.

    I'm a homeopathy student, and no if the remedy is taken correctly you shouldnt have side effects, except if you keep taking it after you symptoms have disapeared, if you do this you will end up doing a "proving" on  yourself and will experience the symptoms of cystitis, but in saying that if that happns as soon as you stop taking the remedy that will go away!

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