
Can I take legal action against the Sherriff's department?

by  |  earlier

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I have many mobile home rent houses. Unfortunatley they are in a terrible area that the copper theives hit constantly. I just remodeld a house rented it on the 16th and on the 24th the new tenant (which by the way has not attempted to put utilities on @ the house) calls and states the house was hit by copper theifs inside and now is unlivable he wants his money back. The tenant is not my issue. I advised him to contact the sherriff and get himself ruled out as a suspect. I go to see the damage this morning and call the sherriff myself. They tell me a report was already made over the phone. They refuse to come out to the property. I asked them how they established a dollar amount for the damage and why they wouldn't come out to finger print and rule out my new tenant as a suspect. The damage is extremely severe. and before the tenant took over it sat empty for a month and was never touched inside. This is not my first issue with the destruction of my houses due to the copper theft but the sherriff's department would at least come out to the scene. Do I have any options?




  1. Not really... They should come out... but if they have already filed a report... the report is filed and they don't have to do followup.

  2. What legal action do you want to take???

    You bought these dumps in crappy neighborhoods and now you want to blame the police when stuff gets stolen????

    Come on.... get real.

  3. No just wait, and plus you know how the sheriff is they have alot on there hands.

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