
Can I take my RES to New Zealand?

by  |  earlier

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We are moving to New Zealand from the UK next year. I think I should be able to take them but do I have to get a permit or something? Does anyone know how to go about this? I searched online but couldnt really find anything useful. Thanks for any answers :)




  1. Happy to answer - but what is RES??????

  2. RES what is a RES?is it short for rest? sure, you can take youre pillow.

  3. dude, i tried googling RES, and i really cannot figure out what RES is, and if K bear cannot figure it out either, then you might wanna think about reposting

  4. You are not permitted to bring any animal or plant material, dead or alive, into NZ

  5. Driver T is wrong. You can bring animals into New Zealand, if you apply for a permit and are granted one.

    You can bring domestic cats and dogs from the United Kingdom without a permit, as it is considered a low-risk country.

  6. Ditto, what is RES?  It is an animal or what?

  7. yep wot is a RES?

    The only thing i can think of is a renewable energy system. And, I cant see why you couldn't take it if it complied with laws - both local bylaws and national.

    And of course clean so no biosecurity risks.

  8. If you let us know what RES is as i am from the uk aswell living in NZ at the moment and I might be able to give you an answer

  9. Not sure what a RES is?

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