
Can I take my dog in a 10 hour length flight?

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She's a big dog (around 18 kg). I would really appreciate to hear from people who have actually taken their pets with them in 10 + hours flights.




  1. Sometimes traveling by air is inevitable. For those occasions, a little advance planning is the key to your dog's comfort.

    Some airlines limit your canine passenger's weight to 15 to 20 pounds.

    Many airlines won't take pets during hot or cold spells because the risk your dog may die if the plane gets stranded on the tarmac is just too high.

    Most airlines limit the number of pets they'll take per flight.

    for more details about travelling with pup, try this informative site..

  2. Okkies I travel with my big Lab X Huskie Budwiser all the time (45kg). He is like a world traveller. The longest journey he did was from North Carolina USA to Sydney Australia. That was around 24 hours and he was completetly fine. Although I always used pet transport companies which you can find in your local yellow pages or online. You do have to have all check ups and vaccinations done regularly and depending on where you are travelling to and from you will have to get tests done on your dog before they leave to rule out any diseases other countrie do  not have. Its a lengthy process if doing international travel but the pet transport companies know what they are doing and take the headache out of it.

    As for stress on your pet, get them used to the pet carrier you will be using. Make it a safe and fun place. Put a bed and toys and treats in there so when you do travel they understand that it their space and they feel safe. Otherwise you may need to seek vet help if your dog seems stressed.

    Good luck

  3. I have not taken my dog in a 10+hr flight but i know this:

    If your dog is OK in a crate for 10hrs then he/she should be fine,

    he/she will have loads of company because there will probably be a few other dogs there too.

    However if your dog is not good in a crate for that long, then no.

  4. Well if your dog is prepared to do that kind of commitment, it should be fine.


    Can your dog keep quiet in a kennel cage for that length of time?

    Is your dog house-broken and will be able to "hold it" for that much hours?

    Can it go all those hours with out eating?

    Is it well behaved?

    If you answered no to these questions, it's a bit obvious that it's a bad idea to take you dog.

    Hope I helped!

    ~ dramaqueen

  5. "Pet Paperwork

    Most pets need a recent rabies shot in order to travel overseas, but often that’s all they need. It’s also a good idea to have your veterinarian examine your pet before you travel and write a clean bill of health for her to carry along with proof of the rabies vaccination. Having your pet microchipped provides an extra level of safety and ease of identification, though it is not always required. Carrying a pet’s health record, similar to a child’s immunization record, is very useful; your vet can provide one.

    Some countries do require an initial quarantine, meaning that once your pet arrives in the new country, she must be kenneled in a separate location or confined in your home for a certain period of time. Pet owners dread quarantines, but a surprising number of countries don’t enforce them at all, so check this list if you are uncertain.

    The most stringent requirements often come when you’re trying to bring your pet back to North America. Coming from China into the U.S., for example, China requires that pets must have a rabies shot within 14 days of departure, be examined by a vet and written a health certificate, get microchipped, and receive special government sanction (organized through the vet) in order to leave the country. These documents must be handled, signed, and stamped by various offices, and the process can be quite time-consuming. Check with the American Embassy or reliable veterinarian in the new country if you have difficulty determining the requirements for bringing your pet home."

  6. i went with my dog on a flight to europe (lithuania) the first flight was 10 hours to copenhagen .. we had to wait in the airport 6 hours .. and then we flew to lithuania from copenhagen 2 hours.. she waas fine .... you should try it .. your dog will be fine

    good luck ...  

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