
Can I teach in California even though I am getting my B.A. in Rhode Island?

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I am going into my junior year in college in Rhode Island. I have just begun thinking of where I want to live afterwards. I am seriously considering Los Angeles as one of my options to live. I am wondering if CA will allow me to teach even though I got my B.A. in Rhode Island. If I could move to CA, I would get my masters degree out there since I want to get my masters as soon as I can rather than postponing it. I know CA has a different system for education than Rhode Island or any other state and that is why I am asking. If someone could help me, I'd really appreciate it. thanks.




  1. i don't think so..

    you'll probably have to take another

    test here in cali because the standards

    for teachers are higher here than in any

    other state.

  2. Why move here?  It's so crowded and our state is overrun with out of staters.  You will have to become certified in CA before you can get a job here.  Not technically, but the jobs are very competitive in any district you'd want to work in.  I mean, you can walk into Compton with just a bachelor's and they'll put you in a classroom that day, but no one would want that.

    Also, you will need a CLAD.  No one can teach at any school in Cali without it.

    Why not teach in Rhode Island?

  3. Yes you can teach out there.  You will get one year to teach with your current certification.  This allows you time to take their state certification tests and then you will be all set to teach there.  It's the same with a lot of other states too.

  4. im pretty sure you can teach in california. you just need to take the licensing exams there instead of in RI.

  5. yup

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