
Can I teach myself to read faster?

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I love to read and I have so many good books that I'm looking forward to reading, but it takes me so long to finish one book! I'm 16 years old, if that matters. Is there a way to teach myself to read faster? When I try to read fast, I don't understand what I'm reading so I have to reread, diminishing the point.

Reading faster would also help me majorly on english tests when we have to analyze stories, etc.




  1. If its an English test, read only the important details.

    If your just reading, read modeately.

  2. By Reading faster

  3. try to read more n more books.whatever u find interesting.u'll learn to read me

  4. It all comes with practice - if you read ALOT you'll naturally get faster at it.

    Also, practice skimming for main ideas while you're reading. I know it sounds lame, but that's usually how I read quickly on English tests and such.

  5. Keep practicing and reading books

  6. Y e s,        y o u   c a n....

    I typed that slow cause I know you dont read fast.

  7. what i do is especially on school stuff, like if its boring like english is to block eveyone out of my head and read it super fast then think about it so u dont forget it

  8. i dont kno you shud try sylvan

  9. absolutely

    scan the page, look for key words

    guess at what is going on within  each  paragraph

    read again - verify your guess.

  10. Yes, however if you read faster you won't get the point of the text. It will be "cold" reading, without passion.

  11. Try reading out loud.


  12. I'm not sure but i think that they have books (ironic! ) and tapes on how to speed read but I'm sure how affective that would be for you.  if you already read a lot then I'm not sure extra practice would help so maybe just check out any speed reading materials and go from there! good luck with that!

  13. sdfgrnyetcerb

  14. well you can, there are two ways:

    1.  hypnotism-  find some one to hypnotise you to read faster (im not sure how many poeple do this though)

    2.  Try improving your vocabulary and read more often, there are proved to help you read faster

  15. It doesn't really matter if you can read fast. Taking your time can sometimes help you comprehend what is happening. So, it can be a good thing.

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