
Can I tell when implantation is happening?

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I have been trying to conceive. Is there any symptoms in which I may feel at the time that implantation is occurring?




  1. A friend of mine (who now has a 4 month old) swears that she felt a pinch. I don't know about that but I'm hopeful as I'm 5DPO and felt some very minor cramping this morning but only for a couple of minutes. Everyone is different though. Good luck and Baby dust to you!

  2. Hi ;) First of all, sorry if TMI...

    I personally did have implantation bleeding : I had spotting (which ressembles the end of a period, brownish) I also had a lot of cramping and an eerie engorgement sensation "down there". Felt swollen.

    It only lasted an evening and I didn't even think that could be it (even though I was TTC and knew about implantation bleeding)

    So those are my "personal" symptoms.

    Baby dust.. .try not to look for symptoms too much (I know I did, and was disapointed time and time again, until the day I stopped looking and got pregnant)

  3. maybe some spotting the day or two following the implantation....I didn't feel anything.  

  4. You may feel cramps during implantation, may have some spotting and if you are charting your bbt you may see a small drop in temp that morning, Baby Dust to you!!!

  5. Possibly some minor cramping, and some brown/pink spotting...


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