
Can I test 2 days early?

by  |  earlier

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My expected missed period is in 2 days ( Friday ) If i test now (wednesday) would i get the same result as i would in 2 days? or should i just go ahead and wait til friday?




  1. i would wait til friday :)

    good luck

  2. Well since you are on here asking this question already this morning I would guess that you have missed your opportunity to test using your first morning urine which is best at picking up hcg especially in early pregnancy. If that is the case I would wait until at least tomorrow to test with an early test using FMU and if you get a negative result and AF still does not show I would wait a couple of days and test again.

  3. I would wait until the day AF is due to avoid disappointment.

    Take a good test with your first morning urine on Friday.

    Baby dust honey x*x

  4. its all about the amount of pregnancy hormone in your body that detects if u are pregnant.1st response pregnancy test detect the pregnancy hormone in your body from as early as 6days before your due date! these tests can be bought at most supermarkets and pharmacies,if u cant find a 1st response test ,then i would personally wait untill fri....



  5. wait untill friday at least ( the better chance of a pos result )

    good luck

  6. If the wait is killing you, which it does to most of easy to say wait but not easy to do. I would pick up an early test, the kind that you can take as early as 5 days before your missed af. Good Luck!

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