
Can I toilet train my 4 cats w/ only 1 toilet in the house?

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We are probably spending over $100 a month in litter. We have only 1 toilet and it's very close to the wall and the vanity and we could never fit a litter box next to it. My cats are pretty young, 5 yrs, 2 yrs, 18 mo, and 1 yr. Would it still be possible?




  1. OMG  I have three cats  and they use one litter box  and there perfectly fine ,I clean it out every day  and they don't go through litter that fast..I only probably buy 2 big ones a month it's a 28 lb. tub by SCOOP's probably like $9.00 .so I help  this helps..I'm not share you can teach a cat how to use a toliet but,it could be possible you never know..                 GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  2. Yes. It is possible. It will be unpleasant for your family for about 2 weeks. I know, I only have 1 toilet too! I know this sounds crazy...but go get another toilet....get the cheapest one at Lowe's is $78 (which is less than a month of litter - Save the receipt - they might take it back since it won't be hooked up). This does not have to be hooked up and you are only using it as a prop until they get the hang of it. Put is somewhere then follow these instructions:

    OR use this:

  3. i've never done it but i think u have to have the box close to the toilet and slowing move it up until it's level w/ the toilet and then put it in the toilet and then take it away.  how bad do u want them to learn this trick?  and the 5 yrs won't go for it.  

  4. why would you want to force your poor cats to do something so unnatural.  it's not fair to your cats to do that to them.

  5. ummm....can you actually TRAIN a cat to use a toilet???  I mean if it saves money, yeah, but I have never actually KNOWN it being done, except for the tv shows, which you know is BS.  But hey, whatever works...I do agree though that it is very un natural...and I think I would freak out if I saw a cat using a toilet!  lmao

    Good Luck with whatever you deside to do....have you ever just scooped your litter?  What kind are you buying?  We use that Tidy Cats crystals and use 2 bags a month, sometimes less....which is $6 a bag.  so that is $12 a month.  even with double the cats, that would only be $24 a month-instead of $100...maybe you need to use a different type of litter...I dont know the whole situation though.

    Good Luck with it all though!

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