
Can I train my fish to do tricks if so which ones can do what?

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I have 2 mollies, (1 male 1 female) 4 platy (2 male batman and 2 (one of each sexes) red toxido platy), 2 black skirted tetras, 3 neon tetras, 1 swordtail (male) and a dwarf cichlid.




  1. I don't think they can but it takes a long time... they have a video on youtube and u can train them to do it...i think that will work. BUt I choose to just see them swim.

  2. Yup.  You can train most fish to do just about anything for food.  Just work with their natural instincts.  They can jump, push, swim back and forth and bite.  Little aquarium fish have an instinctive knowledge that they are prey for anything larger than they are so they tend to be skittish.  That makes training them a bit of a challenge.  You have to be really patient with them.  I trained my guppies to push a little floating shark around the tank.  I just attached food to it until they learned that they got food by pushing it, then slowly decreased the amount of food until they pushed it without food attached and gave them food after they pushed it.  My betta jumps up out of the water to take bloodworms from my finger and I know others have trained their fish to ring bells and push buttons to get food.  

    I even had a cory that actually trained my guppies one time.  He learned that he could get the freeze dried daphnia that stuck up on the tank's sides just above the water line if he went to the surface and blew bubbles to knock them down.  After about a week he had all the guppies lined up at the edge of the tank blowing bubbles like mad to get at the bits of daphnia stuck there!  Fish are smarter than most people think.  And very motivated by food!  ;P

  3. if you very gently tap the glass of the tank as you feed them then over time they will get used to the idea that when they hear/feel you tap the glass of their tank then they will be getting food and swim to the top of the tank, be careful though and tap the glass very gently otherwise you will stress the fish.

  4. i dont think they will like it much plus no offense to em but fish are pretty dumb and might not remember them but i guess you could try do make it swirl around with some fish food in your hand??

  5. . its possible for fish normalley 1 inch or longer.

  6. i have never heard of a fish being smart enough to be taught tricks

  7. You can train Oscars to jump out of the water to grab food from your hand. they are hungry little buzzards that grow to a decent size so i dint recommend any tank under 55 gallons. My buddy also had an oscar that let it rub its head before he fed it. None of the fish you mentioned are able to do any type of tricks. except know when its feeding time. so it will be a challenge But im sure it can it be done if you try  

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