
Can I travel back and forth from the USA and Canada on a UK passport?

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Hi, me and my boyfriend are UK citizens --We plan to fly to Montreal to stay for a week, then visit the USA for a couple of months, then fly back to the UK, all within 90 days. I have a couple of questions: Do we need to get a visa for any part of this trip? Also do we have to fly back from Montreal or can we fly back from another destination in the USA? -- I know the authorities require you to have a return ticket when you enter the USA or Canada...Thanks.




  1. I think you're good to go and might I add when yo get here, WELCOME TO THE USA!  A passport is good for most any travel.  I've used mine to go to Canada and the Bahamas and I'd planed on a trip to the UK until my business was robbed and everything was stolen.

  2. Your chances look very good to accomplish what you hope for. You could return to the U.K. from either Canada or the U.S., it's up to you. You will not need a U.S. visa, unless there is something about either one of you that isn't a part of the question, e.g., criminal history, or a previous violation of the VWP.

    You must demonstrate the intent to stay 90 days or less in the United States and demonstrate sufficient funds to support yourselves while in the United States.

    You will need a machine readable passport. Machine-readable passports issued or renewed/extended on or after 10/26/06 – requires integrated chip with information from the data page (e-Passport).

    Machine-readable passports issued or renewed/extended between 10/26/05 and 10/25/06 – requires digital photograph printed on the data page or integrated chip with information from the data page.

    Machine-readable passports issued or renewed/extended before 10/26/05 – no further requirements.

  3. No, you do not need a visa.  Yes, you can fly back to the UK from a US destination even if you arrive in Canada.  You just need to show you will be leaving either country you are in, and that you will be leaving it within 90 days (or do you Brits get to stay in Canada longer?).

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