
Can I travel by train for 50 hrs? Its 4th month?

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Hi. I need to travel by train to my hometown which takes 50 hours by train. How okay it is to travel by train. We are in the 4th month of pregnancy and will be returning same route after 2 weeks.




  1. You haven't mentioned which country you'll be traveling in, but for the purpose of this answer, I'll assume you're in North America.

    North American rail travel is amongst the safest and most comfortable in the world, although I'm a tad biased.  There should be no problems traveling by rail with a pregnant partner, and you may find the gentle rolling and rocking soothes any ailments your partner gets.  Then again, it could go the complete opposite way - it varies with every person.

    My wife traveled numerous times by rail while pregnant with our son, however, none of her trips lasted more than 2 hours.  She never encountered any problems, and was actually relaxed because she wasn't stuck in a small car, in heavy traffic, during construction season.  In the train, she felt comfortable, unanxious and stress-free, and was able to get up, walk around, and stretch whenever she felt the need to.

    For a journey as lengthy as what you're suggesting, I strongly recommend a sleeper cabin.  You should also get one of the better ones whatever train service you're using offers - don't cheap out on your wife at a time like this.

  2. If you have your own little room, no problem. They have their own toilet and bunk beds. As for regular seating, I found an overnighter to be uncomfotable. If no problems exist with pregnancy it shouldn't be a problem.

  3. if you have a personal room then it is safe.

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