
Can I travel to france with my wife for 12 days and enjoy it with a budget of $4500?

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We plan to travel to France in Oct. with a spending budget of $4500. We want to stay in Paris,and see the main attractions, but also visit Normandy, Burgundy, and Strassbourg. Is this feasible?




  1. This is very possible.  I've taken 4 trips to France back when TWA was still around.  They offered all kinds of tour packages and escourted vacations but the real bargain was their "freestyle vacations"  They were one week stays in cities like Paris with daily breakfast included, a half day city tour, and a hotel room for a week, and airport transfers.  You could also add extra days.  We were then able to do whatever we wanted at our own pace, like train or rental car trips out of town.  The train is cheaper.  This type of arrangement would not be practical for you if you intend to make Normandy, Burgundy, and Starssbourg anymore than day trips because your hotel room in Paris is paid for.

    I once took a two week motorcoach tour that ended in Paris. When I booked it I tacked on another week with a freestyle package and stayed another week.  After all I was already there and the price was cheaper than any I could have been able to find on my own.  Tour companies get the best rates.  That tour had only allowed one full day in Paris which is not nearly enough. As we waved goodbye to all the folks from that two week tour they all wanted to know why we weren't getting of the bus to the airport.  When I explaned what I had done they just about all said "now why didn't I think of that?"

    TWA was bought by American Airlines and I'm sure they have just about the same kind of tour packages still.  The company that handled all their operations in Europe was called Travellers.

    Good luck and Bon Voyage and all that.  One last tip.  Skip Versailles it's a big empty place and not worth the crowd.  Go see the real gem of France, the Chateau Vaux le Vicomte.  40 miles south of Paris near the town of Melun.

    An easy train ride.  I envy you.

  2. Just Pack Your Little Tin Cup, Cause You're Gonna Be Needing It...lolololol

  3. Absolutely. It will be no problem..

    However, you may have too many places in your itinerary.You can physically travel to see all  these places but you will spend too much time traveling around rather than seeing the sights. Paris alone can easily absorb weeks and weeks of sightseeing.

    If you need specifics please e-mail me.

    PS: I'll be in Paris for most of the month of October. Lets meet up for a drink.

    EDIT: I see you are a fan of Rick's in Casablanca. I know just the place to go in Paris for this atmosphere.

  4. Your airline tickets will cost you about $1200 to $1500 rt.  That leaves you about $3000 for 12 days.  $250 a day.  If you do your homework and  plan very carefully,  it should be possible.  Don't expect to stay at the Ritz however or eat at 5 star restaurants.  But with care you can have a good time, enjoy yourselves, visit the Louvre and enjoy French cuisine and wine.  Parlevouz francais?

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