
Can I trick ski with just my intermediate skis?

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I've been skiing for like 3 years and Im the only one in my group of friends that don't snow board, they spend most of their time at the terrain park which I do some small jumps but nothing really big, I want learn how to do 180s, and some 540s but I don't have those trick skis with both ends curved so they can go backwards. Can I do trick with my intermediate skis or should I buy those trick skis




  1. if you don't have straight backs you can do minimal switch riding and do 180s just make sure you land a little bit more forward than back as to not dig ur tails in and fall over

    practice by just riding the hill switch before trying spins with them

  2. You can use your skiis, the purpose of a twin tip is to allow you to land backwards without digging in your tails.  If you do land backwards and dig in the tails you'll fall, so try to take off backwards on 180's to land with the tips forward.  The takeoff is usually groomed better than the landing.

      During the summer look for a used pair of twin tips online and in the Goodwill shops.  Maybe you can make friends with a skier who is upgrading this year and will sell you an older pair at a good price.

      Take some diving lessons and tumbling lessons at the local gym to learn how to do aerial control of your body. HINT: Keep your eyes open and look where you are going to land.

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