
Can I try to rekindle this friendship or ask what happened?

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For close to a year I babysat for this family every single weekend for 6-8 hours. I met them originally through work--I work at a daycare and the little girl used to be in my room. The family and I became very close & they included me in a lot of their personal life (by their invitation, not me pushing to be part of it). The mom & I even used to be good friends. Both of us confided a lot in eachother & we frequently met for coffee, went for walks, etc. They always told me how much they loved having me around, even when it was just for dinner or hanging out (again, at their invitation). They became like family to me & the little girl & I also became very attached.

Last time I babysat (almost 3 months ago) they were super friendly and personable with me, just like always, but they never called again. 6 weeks ago when I asked what happened the mom just said they needed separation between babysitters and daycare, but that I didn't do anything wrong.




  1. It is possible that the parents feel that the child is developing a closer relationship with you versus them.

    Its possible that maybe something else happened that has caused the parents not to want to blur the line.

    Its possible the parents have become bored with the relationship and have decided to move on.

    There is no harm in rekindling a relationship with the parents again. Just realize the actions they take may not be a result of anything you are doing. Good Luck.

  2. You ask this AGAIN?

    I answered it before, but feel compelled to change my answer.

    You need to move on.

    You are WAY too involved with this family and you're creeping them out.

    You need to get on with your life.

  3. I believe you and her child was getting to close, and the mother must have felt her child wanted you more than her..

    like my grandaughter will throw a fit for me, if she don't get her way with her mother, and it makes it hard to handle if their is another right there to treat you like your own..

    the word separation from babysitter and are near the child while she was at work, and then after work..a little too much..

    she felt her child like you alot and what better baby sitter to have than one she knows her child her being gone at work, and leaving her with you on the weekend, caught up with her..

    I agree with what the other said, just leave it alone..and I know you are attached to the child, but you must move on..

  4. Julia,,  you sound like a wonderful person who only had the child's best interest at hand and were a wonderful fit with the family.. The fact they have changed things from what they were,,only means something has changed in THEIR thinking and way of life.. Meaning nothing you have done..The fact the mother has been more friendly lately ,reinforces that thought.. However its not your place to interject yourself into their lives.. I can see how you have had feelings for the child and the family,, but I think its in your best interest and theirs too ,,not to 'push' anything at this time.. THEY may feel badly having to have changed the way things were ,, for whatever the reason or reasons were..If you were to ask about it,,they may feel uncomfortable about talking about their business,,and it might have absolutely nothing to do with  you..  So  let it be ,,and  if its meant for you to share time with them again ,,it will happen.. Either way ,,you seem like a very sweet sincere person..                                 SOLOMON

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