
Can I use Adobe photoshop with Windows Vista?

by Guest57504  |  earlier

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If so, is Adobe Photoshop the best photo editing software to use for editing family photos (I don't want to be using it from a professional point of view, so something fairly simple to use would be good).




  1. Adobe Photoshop is probably the best graphics software there is.  It is the one that nearly every commercial art and advertising business uses.  We use it in my wife's art studio along with maybe 40-50 other graphics programs.  It is however rather expensive.  Adobe does have other software that does just as good a job on specific tasks as Photoshop does.  If you can use one of those and family photos is your only concern then one of Adobe's other programs would suit you better.  You can see all of Adobe's offerings and their descriptions at:

  2. yes it can and i use photoshop

    for everything related to photos and my work

  3. i recommend photoshop elements, it's more end-user friendly. photoshop is kinda pro-grade software, can be very confusing!

  4. Photoshop is great for anything. I learned how to use in in school in 6th grade

  5. Yes you can use Photoshop, but I would not recommend using it for family photos.

    It is a very complex program, and without actual training, can become very frustrating.

    I would recommend using a more user friendly program such as Photoshop Elements, or Coral Paint Shop Pro.

    Vista will run both of those as well.

  6. Recommend for home editing, Photoshop Elements.  Version 6 runs fine under Vista, version 5 does not except with a patch provided by Adobe.  Earlier than 5, not at all.

  7. ya sure u can use it on vista  

  8. Yeah it works on Vista but if your looking for something simple and free, get IfranView

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