
Can I use Crest Whitestrips with braces?

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I have metal braces and was wondering if using teeth whiteners would harm them. I asked my orthodontist and he said it would be fine, just the colored bands might get bleached out and turn white. But after looking through the directions on how to use the strips, it said not to use with braces. So, what exactly would happen if I did? And should I go through with using them?

(i'll have my braces on for another 9 months and senior pictures are coming up. I'd rather not wait to use them once i get them off!)




  1. hmm...thats an interesting question! they wouldnt be too too effective cause you have brackets that are covering half of the tooth...

    enless thats why you wanted them? just to whiten the area around the bracket? but would they still adhere as well to your teeth with all the metal on them??

    heres the deal - if you s***w up your braces youll need to get them on all over again or youll really really extend your treatment time. both suck!

    i had braces for my senior pic...but i actually just smiled with my mouth closed and it doesnt look bad at all!

    plus, no one really really cares about your senior pic i mean a big fuss is made about it when it gets taken but what matter are you GRAD PICS!!!! so yeah jsut dont worry so much abou the senior pics right now...

    plus when you do get your braces off alot of people use whitening systems but really dont have to! the yellow stains you might ahve left on yoyur teeth once your braces come off is the glue that holds on the brackets! all you have to do, at that point it book an appt with you dentist and they will take it ALLLLLL off for you!

    this si exactly what i did and my teeth were absolutely pefect in every way for my grad pics!

    seriosuly tho, dont make yourself have braces for longer just by trying out this crest whitestrips thing!

  2. i would wait till u get them off other wise you would have yellow

  3. its better to use them when you get them off. Otherwise, when you get them off, your teeth will be discolored, cause the under the bracket didn't get whitened.  

  4. no use it when there off because the part that ur braces are covering arent going to get white and then youll have like have yellow and have white teeth

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