
Can I use Febreze in an indoor guinea pig cage??

by  |  earlier

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I have my pigs on fleece, which is changed regularly.

I know it's safe around cats and dogs, but what about small pets?

Has anybody tried it?




  1. LOL You just reminded me of that woman who threw hers....

    Well I won't say it, you remember the story, lol.

    Can't you buy pet deodrant stuff thats safe? I dunno. Just thought I'd mention that I chuckled.

  2. might be a bit much for their little lungs to cope with?

  3. NO never use any type of cleaner by a small animal or bird cage

  4. Absolutely not! It is not safe around any pets. You can spray it in the air, but not when they are around. I definitely do not recommend spraying it directly on something the sleep on either.

  5. No. It has WAY too many chemicals in it that are harmful.

  6. Yeah it should be okay if you let it dry before putting them back, and make sure they dont chew the fleece

  7. no you shouldn't use it in their cage because of the chemicals in it it can be harmful to guinea pigs just clean it out and get some cage cleaner  

  8. no they sell cage cleaners that is ok coz it is specialised for them so there tiny lungs can handle that :-).    

    (Ginni pig owner)

  9. Actually yes it is fine, I've tried it with my guinea pig. Just be sure to take out their food and water before you spray their pen. I hope this helps.

  10. Erm.....not a very good idea.  Febreze is too strong for a little cute animal like a guinea pig.

  11. hmm...I'm not sure...I would try a normal pet one but if it says safe for 'PETS' not 'cats and dogs' then it should be fine.

  12. It's good your not going to use it as the spray is toxic to small animals as febreeze contains Zinc Chloride which is dangerous for animals, plus their tiny lungs couldn't take such strong toxins. Also its not safe to use it around them just stick to washing it the good old washing machine way :D or hand washing way lol or you can buy some special cleaner and deodorizer for guinea pigs from a pet shop

    Hope this helps good luck! x

  13. h**l no...


    their little lungs cant cope with the toxins in it...

    plus putting it straight onto their bedding could cause some serious skin irritations..

    not a good idea at all!

  14. Nope. and thats all i can say.

  15. definitely no because it is toxic to them

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