
Can I use Gaviscon Infant and Colief together?

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Firstly, I'm in the UK so I don't know if Colief is available in other countries...

Our Daughter is on Colief to help break down the enzymes in her milk and reduce food related colic but she also now has terrible reflux and we have been given Gaviscon Infant. Effectively they both do completely different jobs and all it says on the Gaviscon leaflet is not to use it with 'hungrier baby' type milk or thickening agents such as baby rice as I presume the Gaviscon thickens up the milk but as they are both going in the same bottle, I wondered if anyone else had thought about this or knew the answer?




  1. Yeah it should be noproblem My 5 yr old is on the gaviscon to help him with his stools just checked on the leaflet and it dosnt really say its not to be used with colic releif if in doubt phone nhs direct or ask a pharasist hope this helps.

  2. I asked a similar question a week ago and got similar advice to the one above, about breastfeeding. Some people are just idiots.

    I would love to know the answer to this as my daughter has reflux and has been taking colief and the doc said if it didn't work he would prescribe the baby gaviscon but she seems really happy now.  

  3. My daughter had terrible colic/reflux and I used EVERYTHING and found that gaviscon infant in the bottle on its own was the best thing for her...colief made her have bad diohreah (however its spelt) so gaviscon infant all the way it was a life saver!!

  4. They can be used together, and in the same bottle - they are for 2 different (although related) problems, and while Gaviscon does thicken the milk to make it stay down easier, that thickening shouldn't affect the colief. If you find it does make a difference, you could try putting the colief in with an ounce or so of milk and giving that to her first, then give her the rest of the feed with gaviscon in.

  5. u can, but one advise ...i suggest u to feed ur milk rather than artifiial, it solves all the problems..

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