
Can I use Photobucket and Picasa images on my website without asking permission?

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Can I use Photobucket and Picasa images on my website without asking permission or giving credit?




  1. Not legally.  Using copyrighted images without permission is theft.

  2. No.  Always get permission.  If the artist finds out you've taken their image without permission, they can prosecute.  Not worth the trouble.

  3. See, it's people who contemplate and do such despisable acts that have me place only pictures I really don't care about onto the net.  If I've spent the time composing, developing, printing the shot and then some talentless hack takes my picture and uses it on his or her own website without even the courtesy of giving credit where credit is due, I know I would take the person to court for everything they are worth.

  4. how much time do you have for court? do you have enough to hire a defense attorny that knows he's gonna loose the case anyway? and do you have enough for a personal bodyguard 24//7/365? there are so many photographers that guard their work with such ferocity it is frightening, methinks it is a bad idea to snag images without permission, and the not giving credit part will get you invited to a knee-capping and bone breaking party after court with some photographers, not all of us mind you but some of us have just simply gotten a bellyfull of being treated badly.

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