
Can I use a DirectTv dish with Dish Network?

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I have a DirectTV dish and I want to use it with my dish network reciever...I was told by someone that I could buy a new dish network head on the DirectTv dish. I was wondering if anyone has done this before and if it will work? Also is it just the head that I have to buy for the dish. Please don't say have Dish Network Company come and move it for me, beacuse that is not what I want to do. Thanks!




  1. Well the only way that you will receive the signal from Dish with the Directv Dish you will need to change the LNB on it, that will be the little heads that are facing the dish, once you have done that you are ready to go.

  2. It depends on the type of receiver that you are hooking up to it.  As long as it is not the newer Hi-Def receivers from Dish, it should work.  It also depends on the type of DirecTv dish that you are using too.  If it is a dual LNB, the round thing at the end, then it won't work.  If there is more than one round shape at the end of the dish then you will be fine.

    If you have a  dual tuner receiver it will still work you just need to hook both the outputs from the 119 satellite and the 110 satellite to each input on the receiver.  Then do a check switch under your setup menu.

    Hope this helps :)

  3. It really would depend upon what satellites you are trying to get.  for instance, My DN dish is a  ~3 ft by ~2 ft ellipse and picks up 3 satellites all bunched together (110, 119, and a third, I forget).  Direct TV, in my area, uses two dishes to pick up satellites in different locations in the sky.  My point is, you wont get the three signals if you put a 3 receiver head on a one reciever dish from directTV.

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