TDA2030 connections:
Pin 1 (non inv input) - potential divider (to give reference voltage)
Pin 2 (inv input) - connected to final output
Pin 4 (output) - connected to pin 1 via large resistor (to give some hysteresis), cathode of Schottkey diode (anode to 0V) and one end of toroid
Other end of toroid to capacitor, output and pin 2
So this is basically like the standard op-amp relaxation oscillator, but with a coil in series with the capacitor (where a resistor normally would be) and a diode to discharge the back EMF from the coil into the capacitor. Obviously I'd need the feedback resistor to the + input to be larger than the resistors setting the reference voltage, since this puts ripple on the output.
Will this work, or will it just go into some steady state where it dissipates the excess power as heat in the IC?