
Can I use a fish tank for a hamster cage?

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I have a 5 gallon fish tank that I used to have a betta fish in. However, the fish died a while ago, so now I have an empty fish tank.

I want to get a small hamster, and I am wondering if I can just use the fish tank?

I know 5 gallons is quite small, but the hamster wouldn't be in there all the time, probably just during the night, or when I'm at work. Other times, he would be roaming in a hamster ball, or he would be roaming around my living room while I'm watching him. He would NOT be confined to the cage all the time.

So, would it be ok?




  1. Yeah! you can, my sister had a guinea pig and it lived perfectly fine in there...just make sure it has plenty of air as your pet will re-act differently.. (:

  2. It's too small.  Being enclosed on all sides with only the tope being open there wouldn't be any fresh air circulating especially in that small of a space.  A larger tank with a screen top would allow more air inside.  The other thing with this small of a tank is it would hold in the odor from the pee and p**p so would have to be cleaned a LOT.  I'd hold out for a regular hamster cage or a bigger tank. Hamsters are nocturnal for the most part and would need a wheel to run in and a hut or something to sleep in plus food dish and water, and a chew toy - won't all fit in a 5 gal.

    Do not use cedar chips for bedding like was recommended above.  They can be toxic to small animals.

  3. No, if you want a Happy hamster, then it would not be okay. Hamsters, if I am correct, are nocturnal animals, and are most active at night. So, I would suggest that you buy at least a 10 gallon fish tank, a mesh tank cover, such as this:

    Some clips to hold it down, such as these:

    A plastic hamster water bottle, and a small bowl to hold his food. Any additional toys are up to you. I hope that this helps.

  4. sounds great to me.  saves buying a "hamster home" that's made of plastic. Does the hamster really care what he sleeps in? as long as it is clean and comfy he'll do fine.

  5. well, i wouldn't do it 5 gallons is quite small and at night is when hamsters are awake. a ten gallon tank it only around elven dollars at wal mart. plus you can buy one of these

    so you can add tubes to the tank. but i would go with a crittertail cage, best home for hamsters. endless ways to expand their home and all most all come with tubes on it.

    tubes are important because hamsters are natural tunnelers.

    a five gallon tank with a wheel, food dish and water bottle in it, isnt very much room. you can try going to yard sales, flea markets and looking on ebay and amazon for used cages, for cheap. millions of people have had hamsters that died and will get rid of their perfectly fine cage for cheap.

  6. I really cannot picture what a 5 gallon tank looks like right now. But you say it may be too small. If you think it would be too small, it probably is. It doesn't really matter if you take him out all the time, he/she needs a proper home to live in. Even if you take the hamster out a lot it will need to have the proper space to live while you're away, even if it's for a short period of time. You can't rely on taking it out a lot to make up for an improper home.

    Pets come with a price, to take proper care of the pet you will need to be willing to pay the price it requires.

  7. Yes, but you need to have a cover on it. Or else he will find a way to escape. If you use the hood that goes to the tank don't leave the lights on all the time because it could cause the booger to overheat. Also, take out the rocks and replace with cedar chips.

    Have fun. :)

  8. It sounds good to me.  Just make sure you get a wheel so he can run around.

  9. yeah it's good but don't put a hood on it and try to put a fan going over into it so your hamster stays well ventilated and has enough oxygen. my hamster lives in a fish tank and i have  a fan on a higher level pointing into it i can also fit a wheel and stuff so he's happy and i let him run around my room.make sure he stayes away from doors that can open unexpectantly

  10. i think thats a bit small if he is a young one maybe but you should most likely get one for 20$ from pet valu critter trail is a good well priced company

  11. no, sorry its too small.... a minimum 10gallon tank needs to be used =/

  12. It probably isn't such a good idea. Hamsters are most active at night which is when he will be stuck inside the small tank. Cages with bars are much better, the air circulates better and more diseases can build up on the sides of glass tanks. It's too small and not good for your pet's health. Cages are pretty cheap or if you want to use up the tank, buy another betta, they're beautiful animals and I love mine to bits! Good luck!

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