
Can I use a fish tank pump to drain my dehumidifier?

by  |  earlier

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I am tired of always having to dump the basin, that and I am generally lazy....I heard from someone that a fish tank pump can this true?? and how?




  1. Hummmm.  I've never heard of that but if its crossed your mind as a solution then you're close to a solution.  By this I mean you must be close to a place that you can drain you're dehumidifier.  I was director of a community center with a basement that would get humid in summer. I installed a clear tube to drain from the unit to the drain in the floor.  You might have to install a shelf to get the unit above the drain if its a sink.  Be careful to make sure the unit is secured.  If you look on the back of the unit where the water comes out its but a metal tube coming out...get some clear tube big enough (3/4" typically) to hook up to the tube (use a hose clamp too).  I suggest clear because you'll know when its clogged and it blends in.

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