
Can I use a model rocket launch controller to set off fire crackers? Any info would be great. Thank you.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok im trying to make a suicide bomber belt for halloween but I want to get 4 m-60's and use a model rocket launch controller so they go off instantly.




  1. if you are talking about the esters launch controllers you could tape the igniter the the fuse press the button and hey presto!


  2. a model rocket launcher runs an electric current through nichrome (NiCr) wire to ignite the solid propellant.  i suppose you could use one to light fuses, but it's an overkill.

    you'd also probably destroy the launch pad.  that's designed to deflect a momentary thrust blast, but not an explosion.

  3. get steel wool and roll two 2" strands in the shape of a long thin strip...try and roll it in your fingers so it's as thin as possible. then take the two pieces and twist the end together to make a Y shape.  you can wrap the twisted end around the fuse of the firecrackers and if needed, wrap a piece of scotch tape around it to hold it snug.  then you can attatch the alligator clips to the other ends of the the Y shape you made.  when you hit the button, the steel wool will ignite, and light the fuse. enjoy.

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