
Can I use a needle to help drain a gum absece?

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I have no dental ins. and I have had a lot of teeth problems. Several teeth need to be pulled and have chipped away and are half gone. I have had an absece in the back of my gum for about 2 months.It drains some through my tooth (what's left) and a couple of holes, but there is a big hard knot that won't drain. I push on it every day and I can't get it out. The knot hurts when I push on it and there is kind of a hole on the end of it, but the stuff won't come out where it is hard. I'm not working right now and I can't take it any more. How can I drain it and how serious is it after this much time?

Randy Cobb




  1. Don't do that! Sleep with cotton balls in your mouth near the draining sites and just brush and floss. If the knot hurts when you push on it, and not when you don't, then don't push on it. Please try to get some dental insurance and try not to hurt your mouth anymore.

  2. Not a good idea...See a dentist

  3.    You are dealing with some serious issues here. You can hurt yourself really bad if you do not get some professional help. In other words I don't approve. Perhaps you should get a job. Do something that's fun easy for you and interests you but isn't rocket science

       In the matter of dentissuesses you should consider getting a job that would cover some of your dental fees. I would consult a professional or get a job and then fix your teeth your teeth have a serious influence on yourself when people see you think about that!

  4. use OraMD. It works miracles!!!!!    

    i tried it, will make your mouth a LOT healthier!!!!

  5. There has to be a free clinic where you live, look it up in the phone book under county services, or health services. You can and will get very sick from this without the proper care. And if you can get to a free clinic maybe they will help you with all your dental needs. Please do whatever it takes to get professional help.


    Oh and YOYO there is now way in h**l your an RN, no nurse would be sooooooooooo in-compassionate!

  6. dude listen to them, dont try to do it yourself, it will end up worse than it is now, you need a sterile needle and some disinfectant, but i dont recommend you do it yourself, just dont try it

  7. Same problem here, but my is draining just fine and it doesn't hurt at all. Yes, you can use a needle but it needs to be absolutely sterile (I can't stress that enough)! Also, brush and rinse your teeth with Listerine before you attempt anything. Good Luck!!

    edit: I would also strongly recommend an antibiotic (like penicillin) to help with the infection. If you really don’t have any money, then go to your nearest homeless shelter and they will point you to a dentist that will pull the teeth out for free and will give u a prescription for an antibiotic.

  8. bleeedin h**l get your self too a dentist no matter what it takes.

    But if you must i suppose you could if you clean the needle and maybe put some ice on the absece before doing it.

  9. I would consult a professional first.

  10.   I'm not a doctor, but that sounds more serious than an abscess.  If you go to a dental school or a college you can get very cheap dental work done, a friend of mine had to have a bunch of his teeth pulled and they did it for like 10 bucks a tooth.

  11. Hi Randy.

    The greatest harm besides to your self-image is the risk of blood infection, that may spread to your heart. This would lead to irreversible damage to it, and you may die.


    I suggest you write a simple letter, make 25 copies, then place it with dental receptionists in your area.

    You'll be contacted by a caring provider, who will help you, free of cost, and soon.

    I know. I have done this. Good souls care.

    Do get the work done. If you need help composing the letter, email me. I'll do it tomorrow.


  12. See if you have a sliding scale clinic that will go off your income .They are more and more common . Sounds like you need an antibiotic I would not lance that thing a abscess can kill a person

  13. ok i just threw up in my mouth. You sound like a meth head. My gosh, go to the freaking dentist. And get a job!!!! How nasty are you that you have rotten infected pus filled teeth and you swallow the stuff coming out. Ive never heard of somethng so nasty. Why are your teeth so jacked up? geesh.....i bet your breath stinks SO bad!

  14. You do not burst it with anything.

    You need mouthwash and try to get a dentist as an emergency patient (non private version) if you can.

    Snow Man

  15. DON'T DO IT!! you'll get an infection.  see a professional even if you have to pay cash.

  16. I don't know about the needle but my mom took care of an abscess by taking Aleve for the pain and gargling vinegar to clean it out. The only thing is that an abscess could drain internally and cause brain damage so try to take good care of it. Good luck.

  17. Dude I'm broke as h**l AND got ******* robbed.

    GO TO THE DENTIST NOW!!!! That's what I did, you don't want to have no teeth and be in pain.

    Just go!

    Most places will set up a payment plan with you!!!!

  18. do it and see what happens!

  19. Do not not not not not not not drain it yourself.  You will only further open the wound and more infection will take its place.  You need it to be completely cleaned and to be put on an antibiotic.

    Google dental colleges in your area.  They do the work for little to no fee since it is students performing the work.  They are safe and effective.  A teacher will be with the student so you don't have to worry about some amateur splicing up your mouth.

    Go have EVERYTHING cleaned and taken care of.  If your mouth is not a clean place to begin with, the infection will never heal.

    You can probably even work out a payment plan with the school or dentist if you can't afford it all up front.

    With the severity of the condition of your teeth/mouth you really need it taken care of ASAP.

    Best of luck to you!!

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