
Can I use a song by a major artist (for example, Kylie) in YouTube videos....?

by  |  earlier

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Or would this be copyright infringment?




  1. There may be hundreds of people that do what you're asking but as my late father used to say . 2 wrongs don't make a right

  2. Yes you need permission from the record company and the artist to use it.

    With regard to your Additional, you had better believe it. Even if there was 1,000,000 cases waiting. What will happen is Youtube will just take any illegal material down which involves Copyright and the Redistribution Laws. If they ordered by the Courts to that, then that is what will happen. And Youtube are being leaned on by the Courts now.

  3. It would be copyright infringement.

    Of course, hundreds of thousands of people do it, but realize that without the owner's permission, you are infringing on copyright by copying and publishing the song.

  4. Theoretically, it is but it doesn't really matter because as you pointed out, there are tons of videos with music like this.

    I would personally go ahead with it anyway.  

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