
Can I use an AT&T U-verse DVR to record Xbox 360 Gameplay?

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Can I use the DVR AT&T U-verse gives with certain packages to record my (Video-6 HDMI ) xbox 360 gameplay? To watch AT&T tv I go to S-video and I can record shows but I was wondering if it is possible to recrod 360 gameplay with that?




  1. Short answer: Sorry, No you can not.

    Longer answer:  The AT&T UVerse DVR, unlike “normal” DVRs does not have the ability to record normal video.  Remember that AT&T UVerse is IP TV, So your shows are coming to the DVR as a pre-encoded stream. (Kinda like a U-Tube stream)  All the UVerse DVR does is record that stream, it doesn’t know how to do the encoding step needed to record normal video.

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