
Can I use an O2 simcard in a tesco mobile phone?

by Guest63145  |  earlier

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Tesco use O2 for their network so I was wondering if you could use an O2 simcard in a tesco mobile without having to unlock the phone?




  1. Fraid you cant. Only if its unlocked. I have both O2 and Tesco phones. When buying a Tesco phone,check on their website to see if phone is locked to their network.

  2. yes you can

  3. Hi i have to agree with joe fortune unless the phones unlocked you wont be able to use the o2 sim in the tesco phone ive tried this myself & when i turned the phone on it came up with enter pin no. unless tescos have changed the way there system operates you wont be able to ... hope this helps  

  4. Sure can

  5. no and rumour has it unlock a tesco phone and it breaks

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