I have a pond outside and use "Tetra Pond Algae Control" in it, and the stuff works great. It worked so well, in fact, that I wondered if I could add any to my ten gallon tank. There isn't really an algae problem in the 10 gal, but I'm lazy and cleaning the tank walls annoys me. Slowing algae growth would be awesome. I'm just worried about possible negative effects.
The ten gal has eight fish in it, six female bettas, one male betta, and one female guppy. They all live in harmony, and have beautiful fins. I also have two fully grown aponogeton plants in there and nine or ten sproutlings.
The active ingredient in the chemical treatment is poly[Oxyethylene (Dimethyliminio) Ethylene (Dimethyliminio) Ethylene Dichloride], and it's at 5.4%. If I use the right concentration in my ten gal, will that help control the algae? Or will it harm what's in the tank?