
Can I use an iphone case protector on an ipod touch 8 gig?

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My friend bought me an iskin protector case. Its like a rubber outer protector that you can put around an iphone to protect. Problem is i have an ipod touch not an iphone, can i use it on the ipod touch anyways? like is the size difference way different? and are certain ports on the iphone in different areas of the ipod touch making the case specifically only for iphone? thanks guys




  1. No the size isn't different you can use the phone stuff for the ipod touch... it work because i have a ipod touch and own an iphone case which fits perfectly.the only difference between the ipod touch and iphone is the technology inside because they look eexactly the same don't they! so they have the same sze and width e.t.c

    hope i helped = D caitlin xx

  2. The iphone is thicker and longer than the touch

  3. I think the iTouch is the same size as the first gen can get cases for both of them here

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