
Can I use an oatmeal paste OVERNIGHT on my vaginal lips to relieve extreme itching?

by  |  earlier

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I used something that I was allergic to and my "lady parts" are very irritated. I know that oatmeal helps and HAS been helping me, but I wanna go to sleep but the itch is so bad! So does anyone know if i can make an oatmeal paste and leave it on overnight and then wash it off in the morning?? Thankx :-)




  1. I can understand your pain.  Any pain down there is difficult to deal with.  

    But I wouldn't put oatmeal down there.  Oatmeal will dry out the skin and cause more irritation.  Try to go to a 24 hour pharmacy and find some sort of over the counter medication.  Otherwise, just try and wait it out until morning.  

  2. try and see your family doctor would be the best for you  

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