
Can I use bottled water to fill up my betta tank.?

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or should i just let tap water sit for 24 hours.




  1. Bottled water shoud be fine, so is tap water.  Do NOT use distilled water though.  And, if you use tap water, you'll need to use a dechloinator that removes both chorine and chloramines.  Water companies are using both sometimes to disinfect the water, and with chloramines, just letting the water sit out does not remove it from the water.  If you're on well water, you won't need to use a dechlorinator.

  2. yea you could but tap waters better. you could let it sit out 24 hours to remove clorine(thats what i use to do) but remember some tap water has heavy metals and cloramines which sitting out will not help, so just buy a can ask me anything just message me, id be glad to help.

  3. Whatever water you use I'd still treat it with a good conditioner regardless (AmQuel, Seachem Prime, etc.)

  4. I've used distilled water perfectly fine but you can buy dechlorinator drops to add to tap water. Just letting it sit for 24 hours probably isn't wise.

    Get a water conditioner at your local pet store that removes chlorine and chloramines from tap water to make it safe for fish.

  5. Yes you can but you have to make sure the water is at the correct ph for the fish.  

  6. Yes and no. Bottle water still has chlorine in it so if you use it make sure to use a dechlorinator.  

  7. Unlike many other answerers it seems, I disagree that anything other than tap water should ever be used for a freshwater tank (unless its something specialist like Discus).

    You don't know what things have been added to bottled water in the form of minerals or other processes that may have changed the water and made it unsuitable for fish. Using distilled water is also a very bad idea as this lacks minerals entirely that fish need.

    Mains tap water is pretty much uniform and governed by guidelines to keep it so. It must however have dechlorinator added to it before its safe for fish. Leaving it to sit for 24 hours does not render it safe, water companies use chloramine instead of chlorine these days, chloramine doesn't evaporate.

  8. well,  bottled water would get pretty pricey for an apropriate betta tank. and letting tapwater sit for 24hrs does NOT work. just bu some tap watre conditioner.... it costs 3$ fr a bottle thatlll last ya MONTHS =]

  9. well, im going to be honest with you i don't really know, but i think that would be fine or tap water is fine. i use tap water for my betta and i dont let it sit but my betta is perfectly fine. if you have any questions or want to know more go to my website-

  10. Yes.

  11. Yes, but make sure it is spring water and check the PH level. Some bottle water is very acidic. I would rather use tap water because it is cheaper and all you have to do id add the needed chemicals. Bottled water sometimes also has chemicals dangerous to fish.

  12. Yes you can as long as you treat it for chlorine...chlor out and other products out there will do that for ya.

    Catx...I 100% normally agree with ya...However, this time we agree to disagree...d**n.

    I live on an island off the coast of Texas and the tap water is horrible.  It has a high metal content resulting in dead fish every time I set up a tank...regardless all the test showed all was O.K.  Have tried everything in the past to no avail with the tap water on the island.

    Distilled water is void of minerals and such and therefore no good for a tank...however, I have heard leaving it out for 24 hours helps make it a little better...but still void of minerals that can be beneficial to fish aquariums for all life....plant included on this one.

    Spring water could be the best, but drinking water is fine as long as it's all treated.  You should check the pH...cause not all bottled waters are equal.  And, of course, none of the "Health" water should be used...with added ingredients.

    So, Yes you can use bottled spring and tap water.  Ozarka is the best but expensive.  Have used Walmart Spring water...slowly resulting in a lower pH...balanced it out...finally...with Walmart Drinking water.....who'd of thunk it.

    Either way, for the Betta tank...shouldnt be an issue.  Just treat the water with the stuff you normally would for a tank.

    Best of Luck!

  13. That would be a great idea. Make sure it is distilled spring water. Bottled water is more clean and pure than tap water.....

  14. if it's bottled make sure it's spring water

  15. You could, but its rather expensive to buy bottled water for a fish. Some bottled water does have a high PH level though.

    Tap water has minerals in it that are actually beneficial to the betta as long as you sit for a while or use some water conditioner.

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