
Can I use motor oil as fuel in a Diesel car?

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or are diesel engines only capable of running vegetable oil or biodiesel as a fuel?




  1. Nope. Its pretty basic, you can only put diesel fuel in a diesal car. You can only put biodeisel in biodiesel capable cars, ( check with your local dealer)

    hope i helped :]

  2. no, lubricating oil and fuel oil are as separate as water and vinegar

  3. NO!!!

    motor oil is specifically created to lubricate your motors internal moving parts not as fuel.

  4. I don't know how to answer this. Pour oil then pour some diesel they are nothing a like. So you can't use motor oil it would probably plug your fuel filter right away.

  5. Run water in it, it works , trust me.

  6. There are many additives in motor oil that would quickly destroy a diesel engine. Zinc dithiophosphate, for example, would leave ashy deposits on valves and injectors.

    It is possible to recycle used motor oil or even rubber tires for fuel, but the process requires distillation, "cracking" and reforming among other processing steps.

    You're better off asking for the drippings from KFC and McDonalds.

  7. The rest of the answers so far are totally wrong. Motor oil can be  mixed with diesel fuel but I don't recommend it because the oil that you remove from the engine has all sorts of impurities in it. I.E. Metal, soot, benzine , water,  . Used motor oil is currently filtered and used in other products.  Without the impurities removed they would clog the filters, tarnish or damage the injectors and pumps. Its just not worth it risk of the damage unless you have an old oil burner furnace to burn it in to heat your garage or house. Straight Motor oil has to high a flash point to be use as a combustible engine fuel by design. It has additives in it to keep it from vaporizing which would make it so thick it would not lubricate correctly. I.E Grease

    Now If you were to add a preheater like a grease burner engine, thats another story

  8. Motor oil is not a substitute for diesel. Motor oil has different properties than diesel does, so you cannot and should not run this in place of diesel.

  9. D8888....  is the only response here I agree with.

    Yes, you can run motor oil is a diesel car.  It is a hydrocarbon and if brought to the right viscosity, will burn just like diesel fuel.

    No, you can't just pour it in.

    In fact a small amount of oil burns in both gasoline and diesel cars everytime the 4 stroke engine goes through the power stroke.  There is motor oil on the cylinder walls that was pushed up on the compression stroke by the top piston ring, and yes some of it burns.  (Notice how your engine oil gets very black over time?)

    Although your oil filter should have stopped any metal particles, re filter it to 10 microns, then mix about 6 ounces in 5 gallons of diesel and stir for 20 seconds.  This is about a 100:1 ratio, and is the highest I recommend.  

    After 10,000 miles or so, you'll be ready for you're next oil change and can start mixing again.

    However, mixing it everytime you need fuel can be a pain, might I recommend you save the used oil in containers and use it in winter to heat your house or garage?

    Good Luck!

  10. You can but you must mix gas with it. I would not do it unless it is a emergency

  11. It is probably possible to create a diesel engine that can run on motor oil but it's a good bet that your car or truck doesn't have one.

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