
Can I use my ID from Puerto Rico to travel from New York to California?

by Guest11107  |  earlier

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Hi, Im born in Puerto Rico and reside there as well. I am currently vacationing here in the States. I am staying with family in New York, but I also want to spend some of my vacation time visiting California (I've never been there).

Because Puerto Rico is a US commonwealth and we are US citizens, I was able to enter the United States flying from Puerto Rico to NY with my Puerto Rican Identification card. I also brought my Social Security Card and my birth certificate just in case.

My question is, can I use my ID from Puerto Rico to travel from NY to California? I know airlines require a government issued ID, such as a US state ID or liscense, but I dont live in the States (or 'mainland'). I live in on the island (PR) so what can I use?

Your help is highly appreciated.




  1. Your PR ID is accepted just like any other state issued ID. You will not have any problems traveling....good luck

  2. Of  Course  if is  Valid (not expire)

  3. nene no. tu puedes viajar dentro de los estados unidos tambien. eso no importa.

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