
Can I use my college professor as a reference for a job? Who else can I use? ?

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I am doing/did very well in the class :)




  1. you would give your personal tutor or someone who knows you well.

    It is best to use a person of good status, like a head of department or a leading college staff personnel. You need to ask for thier agreement first.

  2. You can definjitely use a college professor as a job reference. That is why is it so important to establish relationships with your professors, so your work well and on time, participate actively in class, and even visit during office hours to discuss your work. Of course it is best to do all this in an honest attempt to get the most from your college experience, but you can always notch this up a bit to make a good impression.

    References from college professors or anyone else are strong and effective to the extent that they are positive and detailed. Saying you were in the top group of students will not do much, but saying things about your strengths that MADE you one of the top students will,  especially if these strengths are related to the job you seek.

    Other adults who know you well can be good references; they don't have to be teachers or professors. A clergy person, a group leader of a club or organization, a former employer, a leader of a volunteer effort, even a merchant in a store you frequent because of a hobby, can all be good references. Anyone who is positioned to know you well enough to say things that are both positive and specific, and who won't be seen as biased, will be good.

    If you have previous work experience, then a former employer plus a professor would make a very good pair of references.

    Be appropriate about how you ask. See the prof in person. Perhaps you can arrange to meet by email, but talk face to face if possible.

    Tell the prof up front that you are asking for a letter of reference. Explain the job in a few words. Remind him or her of your performance in the class; about your grades and about your specific projects or papers. Bring all of the information with you, including a stamped self-addressed envelope. Be sure to thank the prof, and assure that you will follow up. If you get the job, be sure to call or write to thank the prof for the letter.

  3. Absolutely you can. You can also give any boss you've worked for as a part-time job, any person who works for the school who supervised your work in any way, people who supervised any volunteer work you did, any advisors for clubs you did significant work for. Any of those would work.  

  4. If you ask any of your teachers I am sure that they will be happy to recommend you for a job. (These are the teachers that you've passed their classes, right?)

    Also use students that you have worked on projects with, High School teachers, anyone that you have worked for at all. Your minister or any of the members of the church or whatever denomination you are affiliated with.

    All you need is 3 recommendations.

  5. You most certainly can, although I recommend asking his or her permission first. If you have done any volunteer work, individuals there would be a good source for references as well.

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