
Can I use sitebuilder to embed podcast files on my website which can be downloaded by people to their ipod?

by  |  earlier

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I want to start a podcast and rather than just having streaming audio I want people to be able to download the file from my site into their mp3 players or ipods




  1. What you want to do is upload the file to your website, then make a link to it on a page. Your link can be a picture of a button, or even just the words, for them to click on. Highlight your words or picture, then click on the little globe that has the lying-down 8 that looks like a pair of goggles.

    After you publish, your fans will copy the link into their itunes, and your MP3 file will pop onto their ipod.

    If you will be adding episodes and you want them to be able to get all the episodes on their ipod automatically, you'll want an RSS link for them to subscribe. Here is a free RSS code generator.

    The drawback to subscribing is they have less reason to come back and visit your site.

    Just bear in mind you probably don't have enough bandwidth to actually host the podcast on your Yahoo site unless you are a premium customer. But you can still have the RSS link on your Yahoo site no matter where the actual MP3 files are hosted.


  2. to add a Podcast into your website using Yahoo! SiteBuilder your need to paste the following HTML code for Podcast.

    <embed src=' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' quality='high' pluginspage=' width='145' height='155'></embed><br><a href=' Free</a><BR><a href=' to my Page</a>

    Add this HTML code to the webpage where you want to add Podcast.

    To add HTML to your web page follow these easy steps:

    1. Click "Insert" menu.

    2. Select "Code Elements", then "HTML"

    3. You will now see a box named "HTML Code"

    4. Type or paste your HTML tags into this box

    5. Click OK.

    You would need to enlarge your HTML code element if your content is large, as its size would affect the way the text/image would be displayed. Simply click on one of its resize handles and drag it to the appropriate size.

    The result would appear in the preview, not in your design area. To view how your page would look with your HTML tags:

    1. Click "File" menu

    2. Select "Preview in Browser"


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