
Can I use these oils on a leather bridle?

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I decided to clean all my bridles and realized I had no tack oils on hand I do have coconut oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, cocoa butter and sweet almond oil. Would any of these be a good substitute?




  1. I've used olive oil for decades with no ill effects, the mice don't like it and it doesn't seem to turn rancid like the other oils.

  2. No, oils will not clean leather.  It will help 'settle' dirt into the leather.

    To clean your bridles, mix a solution of mild dish detergent and water.  Not too much soap, just enough to make suds.  Do NOT use Ivory or Dawn. (Dawn is a de-greaser and Ivory is nearly impossible to rinse out. Soap left in leather is very drying)

    Presumably you are doing this outside?  You can rinse the bridles with a hose.   Hang them some place shady, do not dry with heat or in the sun.

    When they are no longer dripping, but still wet, apply original LEXOL to all parts.  Use your hands and they'll be soft, too.  Be generous with the Lexol.  When dry, wipe off any excess and buff with a clean, soft cloth.

  3. you can use olive oils to soften them but it want clean them.I would clean them first and then use olive oil

  4. Cocoa butter

  5. Olive oil maybe the jojoba oil. Go on line & read. See what it says.


    LBent~ Good eye didn't even realize it said to clean.....

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