
Can I usz a match to check for a gas leak?

by  |  earlier

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So my dad haz this eggy smell coming from the garage. He thinkz itz from the gas and I said that we should light a match to see if there is a really a leak. He sayz it will make the garage boom and I sayz it will make a flash and that will be it. Can someone tell him that he iz wrong. Dont tell him this but sometimez he is a moron.




  1. moron? your going to use a match on a gas leak!! what are you thinking even if there is little gas there is a thing called flash back you could burn the gas in the pipe all the way back to the meter and take out the street. don't be stupid get a drop test done by a gas engineer and have it checked out right!.

  2. Don't light a match if you have an eggy smell!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Only if you want to launch dad's garage. Other wise call a qualified tech to check it out. Your dad sounds like a pretty smart guy.

  4. Sounds like a great idea to me.  Whats your address?

                      (Licenced funeral director)

  5. I would use a spray bottle with soapy water were you think the leak is and if it bubbles then it's leaking.....

    You can catch the house on fire with a match......I don't know about you but  the way I told you to do it is the safest, don't you think????

    I couldn't see myself telling the firemen that I lit a match at a gas leak......

  6. Technically, YES you CAN light a match to detect a gas leak.

  7. There has to be the correct mixture of gas and oxygen before gas can burn.  Too much gas or too little there will be no explosion.  The flash you are referring if the gas level was correct would level the garage and house.  Most gas companies will check for gas leaks free of charge.   Perhaps your dad isn't a moron.

  8. Just in case you're not a troll:

    Stop calling Dad a moron, when the term more properly

    applies to you.

    If there's enough gas to smell, there's danger of an explosion.

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