
Can I visit Germany for 3-7 days with visas that I provide below?

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Hi Every body!

I would like to know whether I can visit Germany for max. one week. I have a valid Italian visa upto August, 2008 and Extended French visa which is valid upto 19th of this month, taken In Italy. With these visas can I visit Genmany between 11th and 15th of this month?.

Can I believe that I can visit by showing validity of Italian visa?. Can any body please suggest me what will happen if they do not consider Italian visa and if say validity of French visa is so less, what can I do?

Thanks in advance.




  1. If you need a visa for a private visit only depends on your nationality. Please have a look at the German Foreign Office's visa information at .

    In case you're a US or Canadian citizen, you don't need a visa for private stays of up to 90 days within half a year.

    Second, your current visas should clearly state where they are applicable. If they only say "Italy" and "France" then they are only valid for these countries. If, however, they state that they have been issued under the Schengen treaty, then they are valid for currently 24 countries within Europe, including Italy, France and Germany.

    You can find details about the Schengen treaty under the address given above, too.

    That said, I should note there are no border checks between France, Italy and Germany (and Austria for that matter, since you need to pass it from Italy to Germany). So you might enter Germany without any visa procedure, even if not legally - but at your own risk.

  2. like what n.1 said

  3. It depends on ... if you have a visum for the Italian or the French Republic you need a German visum. If you have a visum for the Schengen states expidetet by the Italian or the French Republic you are allowed to stay in Germany up to 90 days.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


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