
Can I visit the US with my French Passport, even if I formerly had an E2 visa in my Mexican passport?

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I'm leaving the US to finish my studies in France since I just got my French nationality. I'm also a Mexican citizen and lived here in the US for some years thanks to my dad's E2 visa extension which has just expired. I really want to come back soon to visit my parents, friends etc. Is it possible in any way that I can cross the border on the VWP with my French passport? Note that my prior student, E2 and tourist visas were on my Mexican passport.




  1. As long as you have a French Passport you are entitle to the Visa Waiver Program, so you dont need a visa just a machine readable passport.  As long as you use your French passport there will be no problems.

  2. This is just like your first question, but it's rephrased to stimulate an answer you like better.

    What you are proposing is basically an attempt to enter as a visitor with a French passport to resume your life in the U.S. The Visa Waiver Program is designed for people who could easily obtain a visitors visa, not for individuals who have a residence in the U.S., which is the case with you.

    Do you really think that the thousands of people who are admitted under the VWP have Social Security cards, driver licenses, homes, etc. in the U.S.? Of course not.

    People can enter the U.S. as visitors because the centers of their vital interests are outside the U.S., not in it. The center of your vital interests is in the U.S. You apparently have no foreign residence to which you intend to return. By saying, "I would like to come back home" you have validated the idea that you are not qualified to be considered "a visitor."

  3. You are a French citizen, so you can enter the US without a visa. It doesn't matter that you are also a Mexican citizen. Just present your French passport (not your Mexican passport) when you are entering the country.

  4. You need a visa to enter the US.

  5. assuming you didn't have any problems in the US when you were here on your E2, you'll be able to enter under VWP on your French passport.  

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