
Can I voluntarily serve Jail time For my Traffic tickets?

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I am 22 years old and I am trying to join the Military but I am having a hard time with all these tickets, penalties, and fines that I owe for traffic offenses. I went to a Marine Recruiter and he told me that I must take care of these tickets before I can proceed with my goals for the military. I am currently unemployed and have been for quite a while and I owe about 2,700$ to the court for these tickets and fines. I cannot get a driving job anymore cause My license has been suspended. I have a failure to appear or a failure to pay on one of the tickets and it has gone to a collection agency. I also still have another ticket that has not yet gone through and that I have to pay on this upcoming October. Can I serve jail time to get this over with? I am dirt poor and have heard that it costs like 5 dollars a day to do community service and I don't even have that kind of money! I also heard that jail time is 100$ a day. I just want to move on! What should I do? Thank you.




  1. Yes you can. Not a bad idea in your situation either.

    If your not working and you don't have commitments with children.

    You can turn yourself in and sit it out. It's much easier if you turn yourself in rather than get picked up.

    Good luck with this and the military

  2. If I were you, I would get a peeney little job anyplace (doesn't matter where) Put ALL the money you make toward your fines. Pay them off and be a stand-up kinda guy. Take responsibility for what you did and life will treat you better. OR, you can sell your computer. (and anything else you might own.)

  3. In Australia you used to be able to do this and in a way you still can, trouble is when they let you out you still owe the money. Get yourself a "Soap on a Rope", with a very long rope so you dont have to bend over too far in the community showers if you should drop your soap.

  4. Congratulations on trying to turn your life around.

    Do you have a relative or priest/minister to go to? Ask for a loan to pay the money and repay it with your military pay. However you must sign and make it a contract to show that you are committed to repay this amount.

    I've no idea why you owe so much, that's immaterial but you must look at it and see that you need to make changes so that you can have a healthy and successful future.

    Best of luck to you.

  5. First ask your recruter to writ the judge and see if you can get it all dismissed in the interest of justice as you were a Juvi and you are joining the Marines. Plane B let all charges go to warrent and serve the time.  You cant do time for unpaid tickets.

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