
Can I volunteer for Obama's campaign this summer if I'm 17?

by  |  earlier

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Could I use this as community service credit for school?




  1. you can , I worked for the Kerry campaign when I was that age. My advice, don't waste your time or get your hopes up. Political campaigns are boring to work for, and just as annoying to hear from as telemarketers. I also did some work for the Ron Paul campaign, and that didn't work out either.

  2. Whichever candidate you choose to support can certainly use your help no matter what your age.  There are many jobs, from office help to community contact.  Here is the form to submit to the campaign.  They will be glad to find a place where you can be useful.

    Usually this will give you school credit but you should check with the guidance counselor at your school.  Community service also looks good on your resume for college.

  3. sure, just go door knocking on his behalf. keep a record of it for your school credit

  4. For Obama why would you ever wanna do that?

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