
Can I volunteer to work at an abortion clinic?

by Guest61053  |  earlier

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Like, when I turn 18? Or is that only for medical students?




  1. would like to volunteer to help kill babies huh? Lovely thought..... >:/

  2. distribute anti-abortion brochures..

  3. Don't listen to Meekii.....she's just uninformed of the facts.

    If I had a 15 year old daughter that came home pregnant, I would do everything that I could to help her deal with the consequences of her actions (Meekii would just teach her to run away from them).  Abortion is horrible.  How would you like it if someone started pulling your arms and legs off?  Would that feel good?  Because the babies feel that..... Why would you want to help kill babies?  When most people want to be a fireman or pro baseball player at a young age, did you want to be a baby murderer?

    Oh yeah,  Meekii can eat a d1ck!

  4. You can, but it will be hard to get a doctor to agree. I tried to shadow a doctor while I was in high school--and that was HARD to get.

    EDIT: well I wanted to do something cool. It was part of an internship project for my anatomy class. after being rejected at almost every clinic in my city, i ended up at an optometrist's place where my friend had volunteered the year before me. the point is usually when u call them, they'll say that they want college kids cuz that's the real internship: 5 days a week and 8+ hours or so. i mean they really want u there to make u do work. but high school kids--they can't really work with them what with all the HIPAA issues and inexperience. i suggest u call up the clinics u can find...i don't want to crush ur hopes but it's hard. I do encourage you to try. you might find someone. Good luck!

    EDIT 2: Why don't you try volunteering at a hospital? That's a good start.

  5. who would want to support abortion how would you feel if your mother aborted you and you didn't have that chance to live life like everyone should you can go straight  to h e double hockey stick

  6. Why would you want to?

    Volunteer at an animal would be much more rewarding.

  7. i'm not sure but i think it's great you want to do that. pro choice needs all the help it can get. ignore ignorant anti choicers(who i bet would change their tune if their little fifteen year old jenny came home knocked up).

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