
Can I vote in local elections in my city?

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I´m an American living with my husband here in Bavaria, and am also a resident of the city.

Can I vote in LOCAL elections? I thought I read somewhere that I can since I´m a resident, but people have told me I cannot since the US is not a part of the EU.




  1. No you can't vote  the law aplies only to residents of Germany who are citizens of any EU country and only in local elections.On regional and general elections it is only German citizens.

    Hope it helped

    EDIT Thumbs down go back to school and read about the laws!!! To the Germans who do not understand local election are Kommunalwahlen and every EU citizen can take part in these contrarily to regional (Landtagswahlen)or general (Bundestagswahlen)!! I am engaged in politics beside my job so I do know that defnitely!!!

    To add that neither Australians nor Turks can vote in Germany unless they have double nationality!!

    EDIT  By the thumbs down you only show you are a troll with no idea of german politics!!

  2. I'm pretty sure you can, on local elections. Turkish people are voting as far as I know and Turkey isn't in the EU either.

    ok... I tried to verify it, but I'm not sure anymore :)

    you should go to your local city hall and ask there (or visit their website, which is probably also available in english).

    since voting age differs from town to town this might too.

  3. As far as I know, if you aren't an EU citizen, you can't vote here.  I've lived here for 14 years, have a German husband, a permanent residence permit, and am not allowed to vote.

  4. I am an American with a permanent Living&Working Permits. I can vote 'Local' for the Auslander(Sp?) elections. With this vote we elect a group that represents out interests.

    I am not sure what you mean by LOCAL Elections, but I assume you mean German politics?

    I live in Hessen and I was told that to Vote in German Elections I would have to have German Citizenship. I am not sure how all that EU stuff works.

  5. Even if you were a citizen of a state in the EU, you would still not be allowed to vote in local ellections, since you are not a German citizen. It know that is pretty stupid, since you live there and have residency, but with you not being German, you can't.

  6. Frackled is correct, but he doesn’t know about the recent changes. YES, your Romanian friend can vote in Germany, BECAUSE she is coming from an EU country and has a residency in Germany. (see website, I attached). But, if a person does not come from an EU country (such as Americans), they cannot vote in Germany, unless they are citizens of Germany.

    Otherwise the following applies: Be at least 18, German citizen, and a resident of the County (Bundesland) are. And even if that particular website is from Sachsen-Anhalt, it pertains to all Bundesländer of Germany. Only residents of EU countries are allowed to vote but only if they have a resident in Germany.

    Australian citizens cannot vote in Germany even if they live here.

  7. I think that you are correct, I used to live in Frankfurt and my girlfriend at the time (Australian) was told by the town hall that she could vote (and I think she did) as she was a resident (on a work permit). If you or your husband have a work permit, I think you can both vote.

    I'd go to the town hall where you live and ask them directly.

    Good luck!

  8. Go to the local Gemeindhaus, they'll give you all the info you need. Good luck.

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