
Can I wash down feather pillows?

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My husband's dog decided to pee on my large down feather pillows last night, and I'm wondering if it's safe to wash them or not?




  1. Yes you can, I probably wash 10 - 20  a week and what I do is use an old pillowcase and safety pin it shut. I wash in a warm wash with borax and detergent. You sometimes have to push them down in the water if air builds up in the pillow cases. I add fabric softener to the rinse. They take a long time to dry but and if you have an old pair of runners or a couple of tennis balls put them in the dryer with the pillows. They come out fine.

    If they are really old then its time for new ones but yes for sure you can wash them.

  2. Its best to read what the tag says. I tried washing one that said do not wash, because my option was try or throw it anyways. And it stunk really bad. So it was tossed anyways.  

  3. I just bought down pillows, and the washing instructions say to simply wash in warm water and tumble dry on low. However, it does recommend that you put 2 tennis balls into the dryer with the pillow in order to restore its original fluffiness. I guess the balls repeatedly hitting the pillow keep the feathers distributed properly.  

  4. No! I tried once and ended up with a washing machine full of feathers. What a mess! Try spraying with fabreeze and putting in the sun for a few hours.

  5. What I do is take the pillow the bathtub and I put the stained area on the inside so I can hand shower it.  First I apply a mixture of bleach, and hot water mixed with some bubble bath to the area that you have to clean. Then I scrub with a scrubbing brush.  Let stand for 10 minutes. Spray with hot water.   Smell the results.  It should smell fresh.

    Then dry in the sun.

    If this does not work  I suggest that you do what the lady who washes 10 pillows a week suggested to you in one of the answers.

    Good Luck

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