I came to Australia for holiday and brought Soflens Toric that will last me 3 months. Its the 1-2 week disposable lenses, by Bausch&Lomb. The thing is that I'll be going back to study somewhere. I don't think they sell toric lenses there. I'll be there for about 4 months.
My parents wouldn't allow me to buy another pack cause its quite expensive, and they think it isn't safe to buy online. So thats nothing I can do about it. I only wear lenses for school. If I only wear it 5 times a day, can I be able to make the 3 months worth lenses last until 4 months?
Is there anything bad to it? Can it affect my eyes or something? Thanks! I want as many help as possible. Where I live, they do sell contacts, but I'm not definitely sure they sell toric lenses or not. I live in Vietnam (if that helps).