
Can I wear contact lenses in my Chemistry Lab?

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I just got one day contacts and I was wondering how dangerous it would be to wear contact lenses while wearing basic protective goggles ( that still allow air and open space to the eyes). My chemistry teacher told us to have to sign something if we still need to wear contacts.. I could wear my glasses on lab day and discard my contacts. Or if it isn't dangerous I could just continue to wear my contacts. How dangerous is it wear contact lenses during a chem lab? Do you recommend it? Thanks




  1. Our chemistry teacher told us that if we were to get any chemical in our eye and we had contacts on then there is like an 90% chance that it will stick to your eye and it could really mess up your pupil and could cause permanent eye damage, or even i wouldnt take the chance---its kinda like either wear glasses, or risk being blind.

  2. dont wear contacts, if chemicals get in your eyes and you try to pull off your contact, it will pull part of your eye off too. weird but true.

  3. Stacey17 is correct. Award her best answer. If gases get into your eyes, they will be concentrated under the contacts, dissolve in the tears, and accentuate the damage to the cornea. One incident could blind you. Blindness lasts forever. Don't take the chance.

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