
Can I wear my gi to the dojo?

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Most people (except the little kids) come in regular clothes, change into their gis, then dress out again before they leave. I was wondering if there is a rule against coming to the dojo already dressed in your gi.




  1. In most schools it isn't allowed.

    Here in Japan, it stills depends on the schools. And in some schools, it is okay for kids but not for adults.

    The Gi was not a set of pajamas unlike some have suggested.

    In general, wearing your gi outside of the dojo is likely to lead to problems. Some potential problems are: you will get your gi dirty, or you may be teased or draw other negative attention, you are sweaty after class and it looks dirty and doesn't smell nice, etc.

    The best thing to do is change at your school. But I would ask your teacher as maybe it is allowed at your school and maybe your situation (you live 5 minutes from the dojo in a warm climate and you will take your clean car each time - even though it is so close..haha) allows it.

  2. ya you can wear your gi to the dojo

  3. it depends. some arts dont want you to.

    both my taekwondo and kempo jujutsu instructor said traditionally you're not supposed to wear your gi unless you are practicing the art. especially the top. in korea it is considered disrespectful.

    but if you look back...historically the "gi" is basically a man's pajamas from way back when. it'd be like us working out in jogging pants and a t shirt basically. there was no set uniform in the old days.

  4. Well...

    If you have no problems with the comments that you will get from people on the street, it's OK with me.

    I broke my ankle at a dojo. I changed into my street clothes before I went to the hospital.

    Yup... pulling pants off and on over a broken ankle!

  5. IAt my club, its not a problem. Normally we just don't wear the top.

    Once we are at the dojo, we put on the top gi.

  6. if you are comfortable wearing a gi in public, then go for it, if it is a problem the instructor can talk with you about, but most place are just happy to have the business of another student.    

  7. go ahead. alot of people chose not to because their gi tends to get dirty in the time period of walking in and out.. however, almost all of the people in my club come dressed, unless it's raining of something

  8. everyones wrong-you need to ask your sensei...its a respect issue

  9. I don't know how other martial arts schools are but at the BJJ school I go to sometimes ive been late and just got dresses at home. I know several people who come in with the gi on.

  10. In english please.

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