
Can I wear swimming goggles at a waterpark with my contact lenses in? Or should I just leave them out?

by Guest59933  |  earlier

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Can I wear swimming goggles at a waterpark with my contact lenses in? Or should I just leave them out?




  1. You should be able to wear them, but...  I wouldn't, if the seal breaks and water gushes in, you'll have to take off your goggles and you could lose the contacts pretty easily.

  2. Of course you can, but I would leave them out in case they come out if the goggles fill with water or on a ride/slide...

    Just bring a pair of glasses if you have horrible eyesight, and only wear them when you're out of the water.

    Have a blast!!

  3. my sister is always saying

    "oh! I need goggles to swim!"

    of course because she has contacts.

    she does it all the time and it helps.

    don't listen to the guy above me.

    that would be a pretty fast reflex.

    "oh-no! I need to close my eyes within 3 seconds!"


    wear the goggles!

    they help!

  4. if your going to a waterpark you probably don't want to wear goggles but you cant wear contacts without goggles, so unless you really can't see then don't wear either.

  5. its best that you leave them out  any amount of clorine that get on your contacts cannot be washed off and from experinces even if you think they never got any water on them from the pool they do and they burn going back in

  6. When I go swimming I almost always wear my contacts then goggles, no prob there.  Also, sometimes I forget goggles and I still wear my contacts in the water (because I cannot see without them)!  I've never had one fall out... yet (cross my fingers!)  I've also worn my glasses in water, too.  I know that all the chlorine can't be great for the contacts or glasses, but I've never had a problem.  If you can see fine without your contacts, just leave them out.  Or take a contact case and solution just in case.  

    Well, have fun!

  7. yeah but make sure they are tight

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